This one is really simple, but really effective.

Most people are already well-aware how important it is to add sub-headings into content.

They make it MUCH easier to read.

For example:

sub-head 1
Which one would you rather read?


However, you might not be aware how big a deal the words that make up your sub headers are.

For example, most people use sub headers something like this:

Great – that certainly breaks up the text.

But random sub headings won’t make people think ‘Wow, I must read this! There’s loads of value for me here…’

Luckily, that’s something you can fix fairly easily.

Just include benefits in your sub headers.

Sounds obvious right? But you’d be amazed how often this overlooked.

For example, in my post on writing killer subject lines, I’ve used benefit-focused copy for all my sub headings.

Instead of boring, lifeless headings like ‘Personalise your subject line’, I’ve tried to bring the benefit to the fore:

blog post 2 edit

Notice the difference?

You can start taking action on this right now.

In the next piece of content you write –whether it’s an email, newsletter or webpage – make sure at least 25% of the sub headers you use include a benefit.

Once you’ve done that – BOOM! Your content instantly becomes more valuable in the eyes of your readers.

I’ll be back with more copywriting trade secrets shortly, so stay tuned!

But for now, if you’re looking to boost your website’s SEO, check out my blogging and website writing services.

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