Got something newsworthy to shout about? Amazing.

Now you just need it written in a style and format appealing to journalists and editors.

Press release writing is easy to do, but hard to do well. Thousands of press releases will be sent to media publications a day. Only a handful will end up published.


Why choose me?

I’ve written professional press releases for a number of different clients, ranging from holiday companies to art galleries.

I’ll write your release in the right format, with a killer headline and all the most engaging stuff at the start – exactly what journos are looking for.

It’ll be written objectively, in a neutral tone of voice – without any jargon or buzzwords that could see it consigned to the bin. And it will be concise, clear and – of course – impeccably spell checked.


How does it work?

We’ll talk

Get in touch and we’ll talk over the release (or releases) you want to put out.

We’ll put together a brief

I’ll send you a blank briefing document to fill out.  Once you’ve filled it out and returned it, I’ll provide you a quote and tell you how long the work will take to complete.

I’ll write

We’ll both sign the contracts (50% of my fee is payable upfront), and then I’ll get to work. You’ll receive an attention-grabbing press release, to spec and on time.

You’ll review

Now you can review the copy and provide feedback. I’ll make any changes you require (you can request as many edits as you like until it’s signed off).  Once you’re happy, you can sign off and provide the final payment.

Contact me